Friday, September 9, 2011

My To-Read List :D

Ahhhh school... It's just super exciting to be back isn't it? I just love all the homework and the writing and the quizzes!  (That is sarcasm.)

Well anyway, now I'm pretty busy, but I've still had a few minutes to read at night.

This is my To-Read List::

**It's not for sure, this is just the order I plan on reading them.

First, is Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler. I know this came out a few years ago, and I remember that I requested it from the library. But I don't think I ever got around to reading it, whatever the reason for that was! Or maybe I did, but I just don't remember. Anyway, I'm going to give it another try. And also, it's  a "Summer" book, and so postponing this read any more will just seem wrong! haha

Twenty Boy Summer

Next, is Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark. Yes, it's one of THOSE cheesy, girly novels, but it looked so cute and Island Girls was so enjoyable that I'm hoping it's very similar :)

Picture Perfect

Next, is Lost Voices by Sarah Porter. I was planning on reading this one after I had read Ripple, but I had had enough of sea- books so I just put it off...

Lost Voices

Last, is The One (Cloe Gamble #1) by Ed Dector. I read the whole series last year, and OMG it was addicting. I loved it so much, so I'm going to read it again!

The One (Chloe Gamble, #1)

And that's it for now! Right now I'm reading Populazzi by Elise Allen, and it's really good so far. So I'll be reviewing it when I'm done reading it. That will probably be sometime this weekend, so stay tuned!

Happy Reading!


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